Get known of Longdo TrafPro (Traffic Processor)
MM TrafPro is one of map solutions to process traffic data especially obtaining from mobile probes. MM TrafPro will gather(dispatch or distribute) the information directly from device or via servers and process data into traffic index on roads, implying mobility of vehicles. Besides, having been collecting external data source, the system delivers final outcomes as XML strings.MM TrafPro operates fastly by high-performance processors receiving mobile probe data in real-time and sends out results every minute. Moreover, processed data can be fed into map software and share this information to users or other systems in many ways.
Input Data
In many cases, MM TrafPro accepts TCP or UDP raw data from remotely-equiped device or servers in the following formats (one line per data)UniqueID, Lat (degree), Lon (degree), speed (km/h), error (m), direction (degree clockwise from North), timestamp (seconds since 1970 UTC)
Unique ID is in forms of "imei=Velocity and direction can be -1 which means unknown variables. For instance, when error in assigning a value to a variable, device will send -1 instead of the true value.
Who are using?
MM TrafPro is currently utilized to process and provide traffic data for its Longdo service able to access and try out through Longdo Traffic and Longdo MobileMM TrafPro is employed by iTIC Foundation Thailand as well as many of our customers.